That Thing I Wanna Say About KPOP Concert Fan Projects …..

Banners. Fan chants. Balloons or light sticks.


Why is it that we US fans can’t pull off a concert fan project?

I’m going to say the really important part first: FAN PROJECTS ARE NOT FOR US. Even lightsticks aren’t for us. They’re for our idols. I know we’re all super excited to see them in concert and I know we’re busy staring/thirsting/fangirling-boying/and whatnot when we finally get them in front of us on stage. But all I can think is that we’re SO selfish about seeing them that we completely forget that to simply lift a banner during a song – even if it blocks someone else’s view – is not meant for us to be seen. It’s meant for them to enjoy. Someone’s banner is blocking your view? Is your view as important when compared with the people who are up there on the stage? Lightsticks are a thing they can see past the glare of the spotlights that are constantly blazing into their eyes – they might not be able to see our faces, or even hear us past their earpieces, but they can see an ocean of light sticks. But your arm is tired. So what? They are tired. If they can dance and sing and rap for two hours straight with barely a break, then I can hold a goddamned lightstick in the air and cheer for them. And I’m over 30 years old – if I can hold my lightstick up for two hours, then so the hell can you. If I can remember which song to hold my banner up for, then so the hell can you! The point of fan projects is simply to make your idols happy. And it does! It really does. It’s to give them a boost while they sweat and toil and kick their own asses to give us the best stages they can put on. These actions and these projects represent a welcome as well as a thank you; it’s how we can show our appreciation to them in a visible, memorable way.

But I guess it also requires that we stop thinking about ourselves for a hot second. Few of us are very good at that.

And I guess that’s the answer to my question, but I’m gonna keep talking about it. You can stop here, if you want – I’ve said ‘it would be great if we stopped being so goddamed selfish’ (in a manner of speaking), so that’s pretty much the point. But.

I know that these are things that are so rare in western music concerts – but they are literally a quintessential part of a KPop show. If you are a Kpop fan, you WILL see it everywhere: on fan cams, YouTube videos, news clips, where loyal fans have hold banners with messages to their idols, where they’ve even purchased ad space on buses and billboards to congratulate someone on a birthday or a comeback release….and then at the concerts, with hundreds to thousands of coloured balloons during the day or their light sticks in the darkened arena. Die hard fans’ hearts swell with pride at the sight of sapphire blue/crimson/pearl aqua/mandarin orange/rose/silver/purple/onyx black/yellow/diamond oceans of manifest colour pulsing to every beat. And you hear them, too, sometimes, chanting words specifically selected as the cheer for each song.

We know it’s possible. We know it’s a thing that our idols really enjoy. But after all I’ve seen this year, I can only think that we’re too wrapped up in ourselves and what we want to accomplish something like this for them.

Now, until recently, I hadn’t been to a lot of KPop events. Concerts had been few and far between here and due to a sheer lack of serendipity, when groups I wanted to see did come over to the US, I happened to be in Europe with family or half way across the country or something like that. (Note, I’m not complaining about being in Europe. It’s only that because my family lives there, I’ve been many times – for me, the chance to see SHINee, or Super Junior, or BIGBANG or TVXQ or 2PM or now BTS was far more rare.) Essentially, I spent about 6 years wishing and missing – I contented myself the thought that one day, surely, I’d see at least one of the groups I’d come to fall in love with – and with fan cams. Heh.

Finally this year all my planning and saving paid off. I went to not one, but FIVE events – the BTS TRB tour in Chicago, the BIGBANG Made tour in NJ, KCon LA and NY, and the BTS Highlight tour in Toronto. For each and every stop (including the ones I didn’t attend but had friends at), there were fan projects planned. Money donated, banners printed, chants prepared.

To my knowledge, only one of them was completely successful – the NY stop of the BTS Red Bullet tour. The rest – including all five I was at and others besides? Halfway maybe, or not at all. And that is including seeing a venue full of lightsticks – in my opinion, the Highlight Tours and TRB for BTS had more ARMY lightsticks than BIGBANG’s VIPs in New Jersey on Sunday.

The thing is, the looks on the boys’ faces when they saw an ocean of not just ARMY bombs, but the banners – which said Korean, “Just One Day with BTS” – was practically incandescent. No, senpai didn’t notice YOU specifically. But he will never forget being in the same place that you were, and that you and all your fellow fans executed your own ‘choreography’ to give him/them a tiny show of your love. Please, please understand that this will stick in his mind for much longer the tiny little heart he threw at you.

So while I realise that there is some portion of it that is “This is what the US __insert fandom here__ can do” … please know that these projects are really for your idols. It’s to give them a small sliver of home-away-from home. It’s to show them that we respect where they are from and we have made and effort to make them more comfortable. They have given – and are and will continue to give – us so many memories. What I’m really hoping is that we can stop for a second and etch into our brains the ability to give them a tiny bit of the same.

The Most Beautiful (desperately depressing) Moment In Life Pt. 2 Prologue Clip Theories

So I don’t do Vlog reactions because I’m too lazy to figure out how to record and embed and all that. But here – you can have some text. Heh.

WARNING: SOME SPOILERS TO THE BTS 화양연화 on stage : prologue are contained herein. If you haven’t watched it yet … which would be surprising … then effing watch it already. BUT DON’T until you are in a safe, relatively private space, definitely with tissues, preferably sitting or lying down, and also preferably with something or someone to cuddle. I’m just saying.


Let’s begin with Rap Monster’s Tweet, approx. half an hour after the teaser dropped:

처음이자 마지막에 관하여


Now, the text is simple the title of the song – “About the First and the Last.” But lets look at these lyrics – which, I should note, RM doesn’t often post the whole of as part of his screen grabs.

Lyrics Translation:
Fanny Fink – About the First and the Last

As it were, you and me making shallow roots
Not knowing, up in smoke like a desert flower
In the end, you are dead inside and inside of me
The sad fact that we had to be more careful
Such an experience will be about the first and the last

We heard laughter anywhere, anytime
The song is fading away, lost even though we have it on tape
What do you see? Don’t turn your heart away from the question
These days are done, and this is how it ended

I do not know whether such thoughts are different than before
I can’t stand the thought that yesterday’s winds will blow again
In the end, the dead in and within me
The sad fact that we had to be more careful
Such an experience will be about the first and the last

Translation:  Sapokiko @

First, I want to say that this tweet serves to show that Kim Namjoon is a consummate trollololol-er. (I also want to say that you can tell it’s Namjoon because his battery is almost NEVER charged. Someone listens to MelOn on their phone a bit too much….if that were possible, which it isn’t.)

So I watched the prologue on the V App on my phone around 11 AM EST, fooled like most ARMY into thinking this was another cute/hilarious/entertaining pre-recorded clip of BTS doing BTS like shit. I remember being actually excited that a broadcast was going to start at what is for me a reasonable hour – as opposed to 5 o’ clock in the damn morning like most of the broadcasts I want to see on V. So I made a special point to be able to see it when it aired. Therefore, like most ARMY, I was UTTERLY UNPREPARED for what I watched. For a good while I could not be reasonable, because the feels are so feeling. INSFIRED. (And Jin and V both need to be in dramas, ASAP, beeteedubs.) This said, tryin to say or think a thing about a thing wasn’t happening.


And then, at about 11:30 PM that same night, this word vomit below started happening for me. Here is what I think, at the moment, about the teaser’s  plot and “meaning.”

When V called Jin (I believe he was calling Jin), V was still alive. V wasn’t hurt in I NEED U, remember – all that blood came from the man he stabbed. And the woman in the room with them was younger, not mother-aged. The picture from the mattress and the pool, though, is an older, faded pic of a baby with his mother, I’m fairly certain. So what I feel happened is that when V called Jin and said he misses his friends, he was telling Jin that he was going to join the rest of the boys in ‘heaven.’ V couldn’t deal with what he had done, and also really did miss the rest of the boys – so he felt killing himself was the way to get back to his friends and get rid of the guilt. (The only think I’m not sure about is how V knows that almost everyone else is already dead. But … timey-whimey?)

When the scene in the abandoned pool starts, he’s wearing different – and clean – clothes and he’s totally alone, waiting (?) for the other boys to join him. The picture in his hand, I think, is specifically of him and his mother – he crumples it up because he knows he’s done with that life and can no longer go back. BUT AN ALT THOUGHT – V and Jin are both still alive (RM’s “You/we have to survive” on the mirror is a message to them maybe – and could also support the idea that none of them are yet dead but some of them are closer than others) but V is trying to decide if he’s going to end his life and join the members who are likely already dead or if he’s going to stay with Jin. That Jin is kinda a voyeur in the whole episode leads me to believe that he’s the only one with his life not totally in danger or already over. So I wonder if V did try, but didn’t yet quite succeed, in killing himself – so he’s kinda at a point of limbo where he needs to decide whether he’s going to stay in ‘heaven’ or go back to ‘life.’

This is not heaven exactly, but more a state of happiness and simplicity – “Nirvana,” as Rap Mon’s t-shirt of a legendary band states. (Seriously, that shirt effed with me the ENTIRE clip, along with the fact that Suga, Kookie and Hobi are basically wearing the same clothes as they did in I NEED U, just slightly different colour schemes).  There is no one else in this world – RM pumps the gas (poor guy and gas stations, I swear), J-Hope buys snacks but the whole station store is dark. No one on the road, the beach seems miles and miles long with no one around; this place is for the boys only. Anyway – one of the things that lends to the idea that V is either newly dead or in limbo is that the first the RM says before he pulls V off the mattress in the pool scene is basically, “What’re you doin’?” – like, why are you lying here on your back in an empty pool all alone, moron?

And then Jin joins them – Jin wasn’t there until now, and he’s ‘watching’ through the camera. It seems like the boys didn’t even realise he was missing until the moment Kookie points him out. Maybe Jin is dreaming what the boys are doing, or maybe (this is me being seriously too much) he’s linked to the others through V, who’s in-between life and death…. That might be fitting, for the alien. Just thinking….or maybe Jin is also just a little bit headed towards death through grief? But his role as the person recording these scenes tells me that he’s in a different ‘state’ that the others, whatever it is.

Anyway – they play around and be crazy and themselves at the pool. This is informed by the single screen of text during this scene, that translates to something like, ‘I can smile if I’m with you.’ I just wanna say, it’s amazing to me how much joy they find in simple things. I see it with group after group – simple games, (really freaking graceful) stick fighting, random dancing, just hanging out – it’s something I don’t think we do like this in Western countries. We can’t be satisfied, often, with the simple pleasure of one another’s company and the simpler pleasure of silly, “childish” games. That, to me, is one of the beautiful things they have.

Back to the clip – near the end of the pool scene, first Jin is off with his camera where he spots the butterfly. This is what makes me think that Jin is, effectively, still alive (read the lyrics to the song, if you haven’t). Then a bit later, V foreshadows the end of the clip. This is the part where I started tearing up the first time – he looks so alone, even though he’s with the rest of them. It’s one of the reasons I think he might be between life and death and also one of the reasons I’m sure that the guilt is getting to him — and also the reason that I’m like, WHY IS THIS DUDE NOT IN A DRAMA ALREADY YO OMG.

Then they’re back in an approximation of the scene out of I NEED U … Suga still playing with that effing lighter and looking like he gives no shits. And Jin pulls out a Polaroid and asks Hobi if they should go “there.” (I should note, the first few times I saw the clip, I couldn’t make out anything on the polariod because the screen resolution was too low or my screen was too small. I didn’t know it was actually that long stretch of beach until much later.) So Hobi agrees, Tae agrees – the others seem to acknowledge things but it’s less deep that Tae or Hobi … but what this means to me is that Jin is literally driving this vehicle. His watching is directing the scenes we see. That’s another thing that lends to the idea that Jin is the one ‘watching’ from the living side.

(……OH MY GOD if Butterfly is a single/title track and Jin ‘watching’ his ‘dead’ dongsaeng in ‘heaven’ is the focus with all this I think we should all just go ahead and order our gravestones now, y’all.)

So then they play around and be cray on the beach – more simple pleasure, more joy in one another’s company; the clip really does a lot to impress upon you how beautiful these moments actually are. (That shot of Jin turning on his own with the camera is really one of the loveliest things I have seen in idk how long….and holy mother of Mary I just realised that the same sort of shot is repeated a few moments later from a panned out camera, where Jin is spinning but all the boys are around him – it’s the same shot. Jin is imagining the rest of the members around him there, too…. Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t do my feelings any favours here, either. Y.Y)  Then there’s more Jin looking out over the water with his camera – again noticeably to me, there is no one else in that particular shot, though he’s standing at the truck and we just saw that all of them are there – and then scene shifts and they’re near the scaffold at a pier, all of them together looking out at the miles and miles of ocean. And V does V and decides he’s gonna climb the scaffold. Jin is the first one to notice – and what he does is lift his camera and watch. Then the others notice – and they motion for him to come down. Then Kim Taehyung begins his campaign for an Oscar, does a thing with his gaze and then that smile and then that sniffle that legit made me cry literal, serious tears, and takes off running.

I do not know if Tae jumping is Tae deciding to be dead or Tae deciding to live. Something in me believes that he decided to live – because Jin didn’t object (though maybe Jin is powerless in this nirvana). But that he just watched and didn’t even try to tell Tae to come down…. The others were the ones waving for him to come back down, but he looked at them, then steeled himself, and jumped. (AND OH MY HOLY GOD THAT WAS ONE FUCK OF A CINEMATIC SHOT. “Very Good Camera,” eh?)

A few other small snippets raised by fellow ARMY: 

One – In the pool scene, there’s graffiti everywhere – but most noticeable is the letters OMN, which are repeated a number of times. I can’t really figure what that might mean, BUT – when JHope is snoozing and Suga tries to take a pic with him, behind and around him on the walls is OMN, but also OMNI and OMINI.

First – I’m not sure what OMN would be. Unless it’s a repeated, unfinished version of one of the words below –

In other places it was OMNI, which if you wanna get Latin about it (and Bang PD-nim has done that before; Optatum anyone?) meaning … “foreboding, omen.” Yep.

And in two places, specifically on the walls in the part with JHope snoozing and Suga and Kookie waking him (hehehe – Suga wakes up JHope; ah, poetry) it was OMINI – which, if you wanna get Spanish about it is the plural of omino, which means “small male person.” Ha.



And it could also just/also be a graffiti tag, since hip hop and graffiti are pretty intricately tied.

Two – another friend raised the idea that the scenes are parallels – that V was the first to die, and the others died from grief; Jin’s grief was just the least destructive. What we’re watching is some of Jin’s memories, while I NEED U was what happened because of V’s death.

So… from this video I have taken two things (beyond news of another now ridiculously anticipated but also TOO SOON gah, rest will you!? comeback): what is beautiful about life are two things. The simple happiness of being with friends … and then dreadfully complicated state of limbo between living your life, feeling all these things, making your choices, and that same life at some point being over.

In conclusion: Bang-PD-nim is a JERK.

Noona out.

REVIEW: SHINee for The Saem Perfumed Hand Creams

My SHINee inspired hand creams from The Saem arrived today!!
handcream sighandcream2 sig

Naturally, the packaging is quite nice to look at. Heh.

I got them off Ebay, at the grapemusic store – pretty reasonable price for the full set + photocards + bookmark. (There’s also a full set + bookmark only, for a bit less, and also an option for individual tubes.)

Alas, I don’t think they smell “like SHINee” as someone on one of the communities I’m a part of mentioned they’d want, but for those who were wondering about the actual product, the cream is certainly hydrating, you only need a tiny bit so these tubes will last a while, and the scents are … well, pretty much literally as named.

Onew: “Fruity Woody” – I realize this one is hard to imagine, but it is exactly what it says. It’s a warm, fruit-like scent with a little bit of musk underneath it. Once it’s been on for a bit, the sweetness behind the fruits settle down and the musk, which is woody as advertised, comes out more, making this a very warm scent.

Taemin: “Powder Floral” – this is a bit lighter than the Fruity Woody; the powder notes are more prevalent (at least on me) than the floral, which is kinda lily and jasmine to my nose. After Key’s Vanilla, this scent stays true to application the longest. The powder does calm down, and I end up with more jasmine than lily, but it doesn’t really change significantly from when I first put it on.

Jonghyun: “Citrus Floral” – this scent is even lighter than the previous two; to me, it’s like the scent of a blooming lemon tree on a breeze. (My, that sounds romantic. Fits our Jjong, dunnit.) Once it’s settled, it loses a bit of the zing of the citrus and ends up kind of cool with a bit of orange blossom. I think it’s the most masculine.

Minho: “Floral Musk” – the floral is listed before the musk for a reason. It’s suuuuuper floral. It’s a soft sent, like Taemin’s powdery one, but it’s not what I’d call light. That’s prolly the musk, which is not the typical spicy/leathery, but is instead kind of tangy. Once the perfume has had a bit to settle, there’s a little more of the musk and contrasting notes work well together.

Key: “Spicy Vanilla” – ‘Nuff said. It’s vanilla with a tiny bit of spice to balance the sweetness. (Is it wrong that I feel like, were this scent to represent Key, it should be the other way around? Heh.)

Again, you really do not need much of these for the scent of the creams themselves to work. They’re the kind of hand lotion you don’t put on in a small room with other people there, because everyone will notice. And I think all the scents need a few minutes to settle down on the skin – once they have, the perfume lasts for a good three hours or so before wearing away. And dang, my hands are smooth!

For My Grasshopper Shawols – A Few(ish) Things To Get You Started

So you’re new to SHINee, and new to being a Shawol. You might even be new to KPop. There are a ton of things all over the internet that are easy to find telling you more about your new obsession. But sorting through this glut of information is not the easiest thing. So, in honour of SHINee’s seventh anniversary today, and inspired by my new friends known on G+ as Julie Bae and Sammi Hamrick, I have complied a list (that got really long) of some things to know that are not readily obvious, but which might be helpful in your journey. Cause that’s what it’s gonna be, friend: a journey.

  1. Prepare to be taken over by the feels. Being a Shawol is a wild ride – a glorious one, and kiiiinda crazy. You will find your bias list (if you don’t know what that is, keep reading) flailing as you repeatedly set fire to it, only to watch it rise from the ashes like an freaking phoenix. You will marvel at these five young men, their talent, their dedication, their OBVIOUS love of and CRAZY skill at performing. You will see them cry, and laugh, and dance, and snark. They will, all five of them, make you love them. Not just their music, but them. You will care about these people. So just – be ready for it. Like … here’s a good example of what your life, and your feels, will soon be like, provided by two of my fave YouTuber Shawols.
  2. Shawols are known as one of the calmer, gentler, more reasonable KPop fandoms. Yes, we have our bad apples, but by and large we’ve less than many other fandoms. We don’t tend to have a lot of drama, we’re generally friendly with each other and other fandoms, and we’re overall chill even when KNetizens get feisty. I personally attribute this to the fact that most of us are older fans by age, and/or fans who have been paying attention to the KPop world for a good long while. (We share this with fandoms like Super Junior’s ELFs, TVXQ’s Cassies, and Big Bang’s VIPs, really.) To be a Shawol is to be one of the more laid back groups of still-rabid fangirls/boys, and from what I’ve seen, we tend to ignore Shawols (or anyone else) who try to start shit. It’s a bit like this:

    leave please
    (Shh, pest. Ain’t nobody got time for you.)
  3. SHINee debuted with the song ‘Replay (Noona, You’re So Pretty)‘ on May 25th, 2008. Why do you need to know this? In KPop, a group’s debut is a seriously big deal. It determines what groups are their sunbaes and what groups are their hoobaes – respect and the accompanying honorifics are a Thing in South Korea – and their anniversaries are celebrated every year. Many veteran Shawols know this date. (And seriously anyway, weren’t they the CUTEST THING!? This song is one of the reasons people have been saying that SHINee has been slaying noonas’ hearts for years. Trivia fact – the song Love Sickfrom the Odd album is the sequel song to Replay …. Noonas, we are again slain.)
  4. Our boys have been through some Things. Beyond the regular, incredible stresses and hard work that come with promoting songs and albums, maintaining the idol image, fulfilling contractual obligations, and touring all over the world – that’d be enough, right?! – Minho has suffered more than one significant injury in filming for athletics based variety shows and idol sports competitions. These injuries didn’t exempt him from participating in promotions with the rest of the group, though, and given these guys’ work ethic, he probably wouldn’t have been willing to sit out anyway. There are videos of live performance stages where he has to sit while the other members dance, and even one or two where he’s carried around on stage. Taemin, who is distressingly thin as it is, has been known to perform injured or ill, sometimes to the point of cramping or even falling. He never complains or makes a single excuse. Jonghyun was in a car accident that resulted in nose surgery – which, since the nasal cavity plays rather an important role in singing, was kinda a big deal. And Onew, who’s voice is a literal thing of beauty, had to have surgery to remove polyps from his vocal chords. I’ve had this surgery myself – if your voice is at all important to you, it’s effing terrifying, because it’s possible that if the recovery doesn’t go well, you could lose your voice entirely. One of the reasons why the period of time between their 2013 comeback, Everybody, and View as their 2015 comeback, was so long had to do with the fact that Onew wasn’t allowed to sing, let alone speak, for months after the surgery, and then he had to re-train his voice. I can imagine how hard and how frightening and how frustrating that must have been, because I’ve been through it, and I’m not even a professional. And his members had to be there with him through it, which I can imagine was both great and awful at the same time, for all of them. The SHINee members have not only worked hard, but shown amazing heart and perseverance – I think that’s worth mentioning, so that you know a little bit of what makes this group as special as it is.
  5. On to less weighty things, our boys have been all over variety shows in past years. These shows are, in fact, one of the best ways you can “get to know” them. I’ve included a list of and links to some of the most memorable/useful/awesome series below, and there are (or will be, once I get around to it) more links on the pages for each individual member. I suggest checking these shows and clips out – there’s quite a lot of material, most of it is hilarious, and it helps with the thirst….

    Oh, that bottle.
    (Staying hydrated is hard in KPop.)
  6. Speaking of “thirst” – if you are also new to KPop in general, here are some bits and bobs of information that’ll help you navigate this bold new world. (Thirst, FYI, is essentially what’s happening when you’re jonesing after more and any stuff that involves your fave idol(s), or when things happen like your bias flashing his abs and you find yourself drooling for days.)
    1. K-Culture Words Galore – you’ll hear these a lot, so you might as well start learning what they actually mean.
    2. The K-Pop Dictionary, which is a pretty reasonable resource for info on groups and terms, all told.
    3. Eat Your Kimchi – a well known site on stuff about South Korea and living in South Korea in general, from a Western couple’s PoV.
    4. Support SHINee – a tumblr site dedicated to updates and tutorials for Shawols when supporting SHINee in comebacks, voting for award shows, and such like. Mega important for International fans!
    5. SM Town – the official YouTube Channel of SM, SHINee’s company. All their official videos and teasers and such will be uploaded here, and the official videos are the ones you want to watch to help with award shows.
    6. SHINee Fan Chants – you’ll eventually notice that during live performances and concerts, the fans chant a lot. That’s planned. Idols love it. And if by some miracle SHINee has a concert near you and you get to see them, you’ll want to be prepared.
  7. (Some of) Our boys are on Twitter and Instagram. Key is the most active – @bumkeyk on both – which is unsurprising for a guy who can spot a camera from five miles away. Jonghyun isn’t super active, but has accounts – @jonghyun90 on Twitter and @Jonghyun.948 on Insta. Onew (predictably, as you’ll soon understand) is hard to find – @skehehdanfdldi on Twitter @dlstmxkakwldr on Insta – both of which prolly mean something that only the SuperSleuthMVPs know. (You might be asking – Why aren’t Minho and Taemin on Instagram or Twitter? The answer: ‘Cause they’re not. Or at least we don’t know that they are. Heh. My personal thought is that Minho likes to be the one taking pictures of other things, but has no love of selfies – if you watch SHINee’s One Fine Day, mentioned below, you’ll see this in action – and Taemin is not the world’s biggest fan of having to communicate any more than is required and seems quite private to boot, so why would he want to toss only 140 characters and selfies around all the time?)
  8. Bias. It’s a Thing. Most fans have one (or many, if they like multiple groups) member that they feel is their most favourite member. SHINee is, however, I think kinda a special case. At the outset it might seem that most Shawols (and others) have Taemin or Minho as their bias – but that’s not really accurate. It’s probably true that these two have slightly bigger followings than the other three, but not by much. Many Shawols will declare a bias …. but that bias is a bias by about a thumb length. My own ‘list,’ for instance, is so close together that it’s effectively 1/1.5, and 2/2/2 (Onew/Jonghyun, Key/Taemin/Minho, since I imagine you’re wondering). Heh. Some of us don’t declare a bias at all, or rather say our bias is all five together equally. And I can believe it ….

    What's not to love?
    (I mean, c’mon. It’s like being shown a whole tub of ice cream, and being told you can only have one spoonful. As if.)

But if you do decide on a bias, you might want to know that there are subfandom names for biases. Onew-biased Shawols are called MVPs, Jonghyun-biased are called Blingers, Key’s are called Lockets, Minho’s are called Flames, and Taemin’s are called Taemints. There’s reasoning behind every subgroup name – I leave you to determine what those reasons are.

I promise you, it's not tough to figure out.
(I promise, it’s not tough to figure out.)

Now that that’s done: You, my new Shawol friends, need the following things in your life. Or at least, Noona thinks you do.

The Noona’s SHINee World Media Collection For New Shawols

  • All 12 episodes of “SHINee’s Hello Baby” – If you are not (more) in love with SHINee (and Yoogeun, their “son”) after watching this series, you clearly have no soul. And if you don’t find your bias list wrecked and/or rearranged at least once, then you are one seriously dedicated *insert SubFandom name here.* Also, this show is HILARITY.
  • All 10* episodes of SHINee’s One Fine Day – SHINee on vacations. Separate vacations. I cannot begin to describe how awesome (and insightful) this series is. *This series is difficult to get the whole of, so you may find yourself needing to search, and skipping from full eps to cuts. The playlist I linked can get you started, though.
  • SHINee on Idol Maknae Rebellion – for hilariousness and Key Diva’s absolute fabulousness. I suggest watching the first one or two episodes without SHINee to get a feel for the show and some of the inside jokes, but if you just want all SHINee all the time, you’ll be looking at parts 1-4 of Episode 4, parts 1-4 of Episode 5, and then also all the parts of Episode 12 and Episode 13.
  • Lucifer – SHINee has released a whole ton of MVs (and you should totally check them out), but this is arguably the best MV of the arguably best effing SHINee comeback song in the universe. (If we have song biases, this one is mine. And Taemin’s lipbite, tho!)

    No, really. I am not kidding about this lipbite, y'all.
    (No, really. Srsly. I am not kidding about this lipbite, y’all.)
  • Everybody – the other arguably best MV of arguably the best effing SHINee comeback song in the universe. (I know, I know, there’s also like EVERYTHING on the Odd album – but we gotta give that album some time to settle in.)
  • The moment of SHINee’s 2013 MAMA Win for Best Artist, an award they’d been working towards since debut – and here with English Subs so you can cry, too.
  • SHINee’s live performance and first win for Lucifer on a particular awards show that doesn’t like to be named on the internet (for the …”Who, us? We won?!” adorableness)
  • SHINee on Star Golden Bell – also for hilariousness. I’m only including links to the first parts of my three favourites; SHINee members are in a number of different episodes though, which you can easily search YouTube for.
  • INTERNET WAR. JongTae shippers, and anyone who likes JJong’s abs (as well as his biceps, triceps, deltoids, pecs, the whole of his glorious back, and also fake tattoos), or likes Taeminnie just being mothereffing I AM TAEMIN ON STAGE, hold on to your ovaries. Then click this link here for a collection of the best gifs and fancams of these tremendous moments in SHINee World history.
  • The SHINee Girls in the mini-drama “School of Rock” … the moment when you realise that every member of SHINee makes a better looking girl than you.

And I think that’s enough to be getting on with, don’t you? But, while I won’t rush on it since you’ve got plenty to watch right now, do keep an eye out for my New Shawols Guides to each member. I’ll get around to those in the nigh future.

Oh! But one more really important thing: don’t believe everything you see on the internet. I know that seems like common sense, but for real – some of these noonas have some SERIOUS editing and angling skills. Those are NOT Onew’s abs, y’all. Heh.

Until at least later – Noona out.

(P.S. – Noona doesn’t credit her gifs because most of these I’ve had for ages and pulled before I was thoughtful about gif credits, or because I can’t determine the source. If a gif is yours, or you know to whom it should be credited, please let me know!)

Hello world!

Yep. In many ways, I am too old for this.

But can anyone really say that some one is too old for music? Too old to fangirl?  You might try. But should you tell this noona she’s too much, you’re going to get this:


And you wanna push the issue, because ugh, only girls who are, like, 15 are into shit like K-Pop, then you’ll get this:

bye haters!

But instead, if you want to know more about Noona, like which fandoms she’s a part of, what she’s going to be talking about here, or how long winded she can be, visit the About page.

Time to get this party started, yeah? Peace – Noona out.